[?] Информация о нике: <-korn-> -=- 

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Имя: гранж
Дата рождения: Год: [86] Месяц: [Май] День: [10]
Внешность: Цвет глаз: [карий] Рост (см): [186] Пол: [Мужской]
Город: Киев
e-mail: korn2001@ukr.net
ICQ UIN: 123171691
URL сайта или странички: allapologies.narod.ru
Немного о себе: Well they say that rock is dead And they're probably right 99 girls in the pit Did it have to come to this Oh god you owe me one more song So i can prove to you that I'm so much better than him Oh god just gonna listen fast Here comes the crash We're gonna rise above We're gotta smash it up You won't abandon us again

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